Medium |
Exposure compensation (EV)
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Exposure bracketing (BRK)
Medium |
Medium |
Error opening camera driver. A device restart might me required.
Medium |
Writing buffer to memory card…
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Reviews the last photo taken on screen before continuing
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
If focus is not acquired, focus the picture before taking a photo
Medium |
Allow taking a photo without focus
Medium |
If disabled, photo capturing will be cancelled if focus failed
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Photo file format (JPG/PNG)
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
JPEG thumbnail quality level
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Adjust overlays and button disposition
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Given a widescreen display, preview image will adjust screen width
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Show exposure compensation and bracketing settings
Medium |
Medium |
Aperture, exposure time and ISO value
Medium |
Medium |
Show number of photos pending to be written to the memory card
Medium |
Medium |
Show a live RGB histogram [requires restart]
Medium |
Medium |